Tuesday, March 13, 2007

carl thomas gladstone

I was outside, enjoying the ridiculously nice weather, when my old pal Carl Thomas Gladstone called. He mentioned about me being on his rather excellent podcast, and sure enough, I'm right there on the 'ol Christmas post working with him on a rather funky track based on the book of Habakkuk. I don't have this exact recording, so it was nice to hear it. I'm a little embarrassed about how I get my Jimmy Swaggart on toward the end there, but otherwise it is enjoyable prophetic music with a summery (if not Christmassy) edge.

Check it out under Storyteller #13 While your there, listen to the tons of superior CTG solo stuff.

1 comment:

Mira and Eric said...

Hey Karl,
The world is in need of more keen preaching! Will there be any more of it from you in blog form?
Hope y'all are well!